Grading Procedures


The university defines grades as follows:

A indicates distinguished performance,

B indicates above-average performance,

C indicates an average performance, in which a basic understanding of the subject has been demonstrated,

D indicates a passing performance despite some deficiencies, and

F indicates failure.

In this course, the grading works like this:

Reporting assignments (individual & team)     30 percent

Final group reporting assignment                      25 percent

Quizzes/In-class work/Other homework          10 percent

Participation                                                            10 percent

Final examination                                                   25 percent

Number grades translate into these letter grades:

  • A: 93-100
  • A-: 91-92
  • B+: 89-90
  • B: 85-88
  • B-: 83-84
  • C+: 81-82
  • C: 77-80
  • C-: 75-76
  • D: 70-74
  • F: less than 70